8 weeks long deeply transformative mentorship program to discover yourself and empower your femininity.

Holistic Consultancy Services
Are You a Woman in the Starting Stages of Your Business?
Are You Looking to Build a Thriving Future for Your Female-Owned Venture?
Are You Ready to Elevate Your Personal and Professional Growth as Female Entrepreneur?
Kind words of endorsement

Movement Teacher & Bodywork Therapist
“Eda is an amazing elaborate engine with a huge deep heart. For me - Eda is a gift of life that I have been blessed to receive.”
"Eda is one of the most inspiring women I have ever met. She has an immense collection of tools that she integrates into all her teachings. Her intuitive yet practical approach is exactly what I was looking for and I would recommend any woman to walk this path of the feminine with her."
Partnerships, recommendations and Eda’s everyday essentials

Note of gratitude
"Acknowledgment pages are rarely read, so I bow my head in gratitude here to my parents and ancestors who are always present with me and through me, and to the future generations to come who propel me forward. Gratitude to Isis the Goddess, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Hekate, Baba Siri Chand, Guru Ram Das, Don Juan Matus, George Carlin, Don Benito, Kasimero, Tom & Joan, Arthur (the king), Guru Jagat (and dragons, unicorns, fairies…), and to all my teachers and the luminaries among us. Thank you to the Black Swans and the unknown players who make this infinite game worth playing, and to all those who support my journey and existence, from friends and business partners to those who believe in me, even when they challenge me. You inspire my expression every day.
Thank you. Forever grateful."
Eda Güngör